Colour is at the core of Nick Vivian’s creative process. He confesses to being obsessed with colour and the influence it can have over our body and soul. This influence is evident throughout the exhibition as the works connect with the viewer in an almost magical manner that somehow soothes and exhilarates at the same time.


Nick uses classic techniques to achieve broken surfaces giving his work its distinctive style. With each of these paintings opaque impasto oil is applied directly to the canvas using a knife to create a visible texture. The high-stakes technique of applying ‘wet on wet’ is laden with pressure. As the paint begins to dry your time is up, meaning that just like the subject he paints, Nick must create maximum impact in a short space of time.


Since graduating from art school Nick Vivian has only ever known life as a professional artist and has attracted a loyal following of collectors, including royal households and celebrities, along the way. His work has spanned multiple disciplines from mural painting in the palaces of the Middle East to creating luxury interiors in the form of hand painted screens and wall paintings.  Now he spends each day painting in his London studio selecting as his subjects the fundamental elements for our existence on this small planet.